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Your Property. Our Pride!

Your Home Is Our Home

Our Priority Lies In Your Investment

Our personalized services, proactive and targeted approach sets us apart from other property management companies in the area.  As property owners ourselves we understand the management structure that is needed to maximize your "Return On Investment."   

We want you to PROFIT from our experience.

Why Invest In Real Estate

1.  Appreciation.  Real estate values tend to increase over time, and with a sound investment, you can turn a profit when you go to sell.  Also, rent tends to increase over time, which can result in a higher cash flow.

2.  Earn Passive Income.  Enjoy the fruits of your investment.  Passive income or cash flow is the net income from your investment after mortgage payments and operating expenses have been made.

3.  Diversification Leads to Increased Stability:  Key to a successful retirement portfolio is asset class diversification.

4. Tax Breaks And Deductions.  Property investors can take advantage of the numerous tax breaks and deductions that can save you money when it is tax time.  

5.  Portfolio Diversification.  Real estate investing gives you the opportunity to diversify your portfolio.  Real estate has a low correlation with other major asset classes.  In short, the addition of real estate to a portfolio of diversified assets can minimize volatility and provide a higher return.

6.  Build Equity and Wealth.  Build your investment portfolio.  As you pay down your mortgage, you build equity- an asset that is part of your net worth.  As you build equity, you position yourself to buy more properties and increase cash flow and wealth even more.

7 Benefits Of Using Ridge Property Management

Benefits of Using Ridge Property Management


The screening process can be a complex process, and if you don't have the experience of the ins and outs of what to look for in a tenant, you may select a poor tenant.  The problem with a bad tenant is that it can be difficult to remove them from your property.  Ridge Property Management has a reliable and verified screening process which facilitates choosing the right tenant who will:

  • Rent long-term

  • Pay rent on time

  • Minimize wear and tear of the property

  • Fewer problems


A single bad tenant can cause significant financial and legal headaches.  There is a multitude of laws and regulations to abide by when renting and maintaining your rental property.  These include: local, state, and federal regulations, as well as fair housing regulations.  Our property management company can help you avoid lawsuits by keeping your property well maintained and in compliance with these regulations

Benefits of using Ridge Property Management


Every day your property sits open, it costs you money.  Ridge Property Management will assist in decreasing the time your property stays vacant:

  • Prepare properties for rent-  We know what improvements must be done to each property to maximize your rental revenue.

  • Determine Optimal Rent:  A rental analysis of your property will determine the right price based on other similar properties in your area.  Rental analysis reduces rent being too high and leading to high vacancy time, in contrast rent that is too low results in a poor return on investment.

Effective Property Marketing

Ridge Property Management has written numerous ads and know what to say and where to advertise to get many applicants quickly.  We are progressive with our visual marketing and use professional photography and virtual tours.


Collecting rent and late fees is a pivotal role within the quality services we provide.  To ensure consistent cash flow, rent must be collected on time every month, and it is important that tenants understand that.

By hiring us, the owner is placing a buffer between them and the tenant.  Ridge Property Management will be the bad cop listening to tenants excuses, rent collection, and handle evictions if necessary.

It is important that no leeway is given to tenants, as tenants may try to take advantage of different situations.  Ridge Property Management clearly communicates each clause in the lease and if breached there will be consequences.

Ridge Property Management will handle all the legalities associated with evictions.  There are strict laws that regulate this process and evicting a tenant incorrectly can be a big mistake.  Not handling a potential eviction yourself is compelling enough to hire us  as your property management specialist.

Benefits of using Ridge Property Management


Tenants enjoy a property that is well maintained, not to mention how a well maintained property preserves the value of your asset.  Ridge Property Management has access to a network of licensed, insured, and bonded contractors.  These contractors have been vetted for quality of work and affordable pricing.  This has the potential to save you a lot of money compared to hiring someone from the yellow pages.


Identifying and repairing any maintenance problems early is important to avoid bigger and more expensive issues.  One of the keys to increasing the value of your property is preventative maintenance.  This requires regular maintenance checks and inspections and detailed documentation.  Ridge Property Management may offer you valuable feedback and suggestions on upgrades, modifications that tenants prefer and that can potentially increase your monthly rent.


  • Less stress:  By hiring us, you will not have to deal with finding quality tenants, chasing down rent, dealing with damages, late night calls, evictions, and other time-consuming tasks.

  • Freedom:  You can leave for a vacation and not have to worry about the care of your tenants.  Or you can live out of state and let Ridge Property Management take care of all the details associated with your investment property.

  • More free time to grow your portfolio:  Micromanaging a property is time consuming and a property investor knows time is money.  If you focus on your asset growth, then you have the opportunity to continue to expand your business, if you deal with the property management yourself, then you work in it.  Also, you will have more time for family and friends.


We are affordable with simple solutions to grow your revenue stream, professional leasing only option, rental property management services for:

  • Single Family Homes

  • Townhouses

  • Condos

  • Multi-Family Homes

Property Management Services Provided:

  • Fair and transparent management fees

  • Professional and progressive management

  • 8-point tenant screening process

  • Outstanding personal customer service

  • Consistent maintenance processes

  • Quarterly interior and exterior inspections

  • Detailed monthly statements

  • Online Owner and Tenant portals

  • And more!!!...

Benefits of using Ridge Property Management
Benefits of using Ridge Property Management
Benefits of using Ridge Property Management
Ridge Property Management in Bozeman Montana

Associations and Affiliations

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Contact Us

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(406) 595-9393

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Ridge Property Management

Bozeman, Montana

Tenant Portal

Owner Portal

Office Hours:

Monday-Thursday: 9am-4pm

Friday: 9am-3pm

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